Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Project 52: Weeks 21 and 22 - The beginnings of an Amecon comic print

For Amecon this year, I've decided to follow on from my conbook submission by doing another comic page to sell as a print, this time a convention "bestiary" of sorts. Just picture everything said in David Attenborough's voice and that's the basic idea. : D

So until then, I'm uploading ideas one by one. Numero uno:

If you've been to a convention at all, it's likely that there will have been at least one group of people sitting in a dark corner with their DSes and PSPs (and not doing much else for the duration).

Second for today:
'Nuff said really!

(anyone not familiar with Japanese rock bands, check out visual kei for majorly androgynous dudes that make anime hairstyles look easy)

The final thing will be in colour, once I've sorted out which ideas I want to keep.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Week 19 and 20 - Amecon conbook: "Conwatch" previews

Just to show that I actually have been drawing stuff for the last couple of weeks. : p

These are previews of the comic pages I submitted to this year's Amecon conbook. I'll put up the full comics once the convention's over, don't want to be posting spoilers now!

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