Saturday, 21 August 2010

Project 52: Weeks 26, 27, 28 - More Amecon arts

Been a while! I had intended to upload these before leaving for Amecon but didn't have enough time to. So here are the rest of the characters for the poster I took with me:

No it's not "the" Box Gundam guy, but it felt appropriate all the same. I've not seen much of Gundam outside Wing yet, so please bear in mind that a lot of fandom comments will probably go over my head!

DeviantArt link

Pretty self-explanatory really. Rabid fangirls, they do exist outside the internet!
Just in case it's not known to some of you, a glomp is basically an incredibly enthusiatic, flying hug that can result in injuring the glompee. Yaoi... I'll leave you to find that one out.

DeviantArt link

Last one from the Amecon series and the most terrifying con-goer of all, the non-showering, smelly guy. And yes, there were a few at Ame. : P

DeviantArt link

During the next week or so, I'll be putting up the final poster and the full versions of the "Conwatch" comics. I'll also be carrying on with the weekly drawings as usual, as well as planning for my entry to next years Ayacon conbook. Until then!