Sunday, 15 April 2007

What is this "outside" you speak of?!

Been feeling a bit out-of-sorts for the last few days. I haven't really had anyone to talk to and I'm seriously missing my friends, most of whom aren't even in Birmingham at the moment. I've never liked long holidays for that reason. It's been quite a struggle to get on with work too, since boredom has almost completely destroyed any enthusiasm I had for it. I just hope things pick up in the next week.
: (

Last test for now, since I'm starting the groundwork for the next part tomorrow. A bit rough around the edges, but I want to get the bulk of the animation work done before I start the fine-tuning (otherwise it'll get to the end of the holiday and I'll be nowhere near close to finishing it). Pacing's a little off and I still want to tweak the movements in the first and last shots, but I'm quite pleased with how it's progressing, which makes a change. I'll be adding the rain later on.


Richard Skidmore said...


love it! But like you said it is a bit dark. I think to avoid this you could have a dark blue tint on the characters instead of having just plain black.

Love the flying sword bit at the end! It's made my day.

andypearsall said...

Mr S is right, a bit dark! also when the lighting strikes it could light up the screen a bit more, give a strong outline with a touch of highlight around the characters edge.

andypearsall said...

by the way its looking good though, i'm always focusing on the negative....must comment on the fact that you guys do cool stuff...i just take it for granted that you guys are good anyway

Ryuuza said...

Hehe, cheers Andy!
I wouldn't worry about the "negative" stuff, afterall that's what it's there for. Wouldn't be particularly helpful if I only got the kind of comments I usually receive on DeviantArt :D
I'm definitely planning on doing something with the lightning since I agree that it doesn't have much of an impact on it's own. Going to work on it when I add in the rain.